
hga皇冠注册 Featured On Recycling Today Cover – Unafraid To Take The Lead

hga皇冠注册, the largest fully integrated IT and electronics asset disposition provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States, was recently focused on the cover of Recycling Today in a piece titled “Unafraid To Take The Lead”.  The article focuses on hga皇冠注册’s story from beginning as a small company to the industry leader it […]



NYC 电子产品回收 Program Exceeds 20 Million Pounds of e-waste Collected from New York Residents

纽约市的电子产品回收计划, 包括开创性和屡获殊荣的ecycleNYC (www.ecycle纽约).纽约.政府/循环)居民电子废物收集计划, a joint effort by the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY), hga皇冠注册和主动制造商, has now successfully collected and recycled more than 20 million pounds of electronic waste from city residents. 现在是4人以上.600万新[…]



hga皇冠注册’s 约翰Shegerian Points to Cyberattack on National Republican Congressional Committee as Warning that ‘Nobody is Safe’

On the heels of news this week that the campaign organization for House Republicans was the victim of a cyberattack that exposed email accounts to an unknown hacker during the 2018 election cycle, 约翰Shegerian, hga皇冠注册的联合创始人兼执行主席, the nation’s leading recycler of electronic waste and the world’s largest cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction […]



hga皇冠注册’s 约翰Shegerian Shares Insights on Data Security Issues in the Age of Automotive High Tech

约翰Shegerian, hga皇冠注册的联合创始人兼执行主席, the largest fully integrated IT and electronics asset disposition provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States, warned of “the new wild West of hardware hacking” at the Securing Mobility Summit earlier this week at AutoMobility LA 2018.洛杉矶的一个重要会议[…]



hga皇冠注册 联合创始人 亚伦布卢姆 Shares Insights on Lithium Battery Concerns at CalRecycle Workshop

亚伦布卢姆, 联合创始人, hga皇冠注册的首席运营官和首席合规官, the largest fully integrated IT and electronics asset disposition provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States, stressed the urgency of responsibly managing lithium batteries at a public workshop meeting presented by the State of California’s CalRecycle. 研讨会,“锂的威胁[…]



Amazon Celebrates America Recycles Day with E-Waste 收集事件 in Five U.S. 11月15日的城市

周四, 11月15日, Amazon will host electronic waste collection events in five cities across the U.S.包括达拉斯、丹佛、西雅图、圣何塞和华盛顿特区.C., in celebration of America Recycles Day, a national initiative of Keep America Beautiful. Amazon invites residents to bring their old or unwanted television sets, 电脑显示器, 手机, 传真, […]



hga皇冠注册 Applauds its 电子产品 Manufacturer 合作伙伴 for Meeting EPEAT Standards

In honor of the 12 th anniversary of the Green 电子产品 Council’s flagship EPEAT program, 约翰Shegerian, hga皇冠注册的联合创始人兼执行主席, the largest fully integrated IT and electronics asset disposition provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States, has called the EPEAT standard an “essential indication of excellence” and has pointed to […]



hga皇冠注册’s 约翰Shegerian Calls Anthem’s Record HIPAA Settlement a ‘Warning for the Entire 医疗保健 Industry’

约翰Shegerian, hga皇冠注册的联合创始人兼执行主席, the largest fully integrated IT and electronics asset disposition provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States, has called the recent record HIPAA settlement by Anthem a “dire warning for the entire healthcare industry” regarding how seriously cyber threats must be taken.联邦监管机构打击医疗保险公司[…]



ecycleNYC Program to Expand Curbside Pickups to South Brooklyn and Western Queens

In a press conference held last week by the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY), it was announced that the curbside e-waste pickups that are part of the City’s groundbreaking ecycleNYC ( www.纽约.Gov /循环)计划, have now expanded beyond Staten Island and north Brooklyn to now include south Brooklyn and west Queens.卫生专员凯瑟琳·加西亚[…]



hga皇冠注册 联合创始人 凯文·狄龙 Shares Insights on the Industry’s Vital Signs at E-Scrap 2018

凯文·狄龙, 联合创始人, 首席营销官和首席销售官, the largest fully integrated electronics and IT asset disposition (ITAD) provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States, described the current state of the industry and how hga皇冠注册 has managed to continue its steady growth at E-Scrap 2018 at the Hyatt Regency […]
